"As with any Lodge program, it works well if all members are prepared to support and promote the program as a team." - Thomas W. Hogeboom, Deputy Grand Master
"... with high levels of COVID circulating in the community even the fully vaccinated still need to mask, physically distance and limit their social contacts." -
"The cancellation of all in-person Masonic meetings and events in the Province has now been extended until AT LEAST January 31, 2021. We will continue to monitor and adjust as the situation evolves."
"I strongly believe the cautious actions taken by our Grand Master and Grand Lodge should be commended and supported with gratitude for our own and our families’ wellbeing. "
"The Worshipful Master, Secretary and Treasurer of each lodge have already been authorized to conduct the necessary business of the lodge until the lodge re-opens, subject to retroactive approval at the next regular meeting."