October 10 Regular Meeting
It makes me very proud and pleased to congratulate and extend sincere thanks to our Officers and Brethren for their participation in the recent ceremony of Initiation for our newest Bro. The time and effort expended in memorizing passages varying in length from several lines to multiple pages may not be fully appreciated by those that have not taken on ritual. A very select few Brethren seem to have a natural gift for doing the Work, however, regardless of the effort needed, all are to be commended. As unfortunately happens from time to time, circumstances arise where a Brother is not available to perform the work he was agreed to and prepared for, due to illness or the pressing emergencies of his public or private avocations. We are Ionic, and we adapt. I thank those who were able to step up and fill a part on short notice. For those with parts that were not able to attend on Wednesday, I sincerely thank you for your efforts in preparation and if I sounded overly pressuring or did not appear to fully appreciate your circumstances, please accept my apologies. There will be ample opportunity over the coming months and years for you to present your work.
Special thanks also to Bro. Junior Warden for a well organized and great tasting Festive Board. He and his Team made a fabulous mustard glazed ham dinner for our Festive Board with pumpkin pie following Lodge. Toasts, introductions of visitors and a presentation by Bro. Chris Braeuel were thoughtful and sincere. Clean-up of the Hall and Kitchen after Lodge was well done. As prescribed by the new WMTL, Lodges are responsible for setup and tear down of the Hall before and after Lodge and for housekeeping.
It was a pleasure to see a good contingent from Pembroke Lodge travel the long distance to convey the Travelling Gavel to Ionic Lodge. We look forward to moving it along to Defenders Lodge on November 07 and for that purpose, we are expected to assemble at least a perfect number of Brethren (7) to attend. Please note that Bro. SW will be out of town that week.
In closing, thank you all for your efforts in making Ionic a Lodge of choice. I hope to see you in Lodge soon.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Randy Gaw, W.M.