The Lodge
Formative Years: In the early 1900's, several Masons residing along the Britannia rail-line and meeting on streetcars going to and returning from the city, discussed the possibility of starting a Masonic lodge in the Westboro area. A meeting was held in the former Presbyterian church at the corner of Richmond Rd. and Roosevelt Ave. at which the principal officers and secretary were chosen for a prospective Lodge. A petition was made to the area's District Deputy Grand Master and the established city lodges, requesting permission to start a lodge. Permission was granted and a formal request was made to Grand Lodge. Dispensation, or permission, was granted by the Grand Master.... furniture was purchased and space was rented at Beatty's Hall on Richmond Rd where Miss Tiggy-Winkle's is today, just blocks away from our current Churchill Temple building.
The first meeting was held on December 9, 1914 at 8PM with W. Bro. Thomas Sanders, Past Master of Chaudière lodge in the chair. The Volume of the Sacred Law was donated by Chaudière Lodge.
Ionic lodge was consecrated and dedicated by the Grand Master Sidney Albert Luke on the afternoon of October 13, 1915. Ionic grew quickly to 154 members and soon after, R. W. Bro. D. MacEachern of Ionic Lodge requested permission to start a second lodge in Westboro. Acacia lodge #561 was consecrated on October 2, 1920.
In 1949, Ionic lodge was again becoming crowded and R. W. Bro. Carkner of Ionic lodge requested permission to start a third Westboro lodge and Temple Lodge #665 was instituted on October 27, 1950 and consecrated October 19, 1951.Our Building: The lodge facilities at Beatty's hall were not always the best as minutes show lack of heat, noise, and a leaking roof to be constant problems. Therefore, Ionic lodge decided in May 1919 to found a joint stock company to raise funds to erect a Temple building. The first sod was turned June 7, 1924 on Main St. (later renamed Churchill Ave) in Westboro, by District Deputy Grand Master T. S. Church of Arnprior. The new Westboro Masonic Temple was dedicated by Grand Lodge Officers on December 13, 1924. Ionic Lodge still holds majority of shares in our Temple, and until the 1990’s every member joining Ionic Lodge was given a share in the Corporation. Several fund-raising efforts over the years by Sister-Lodges have contributed to the on-going maintenance of our Temple.
Community: Ionic lodge always thought it important, and had a reputation of being an active part of the community over the years. During both world wars the dues of members in the military were remitted, and Christmas parcels were sent to the sons of soldiers and servicemen. Donations were also made to the Russia relief fund and British war relief fund. After the war, Ionic lodge had a committee of rehabilitation to assist discharged military personnel. In the community Ionic lodge supported the Home for the Aged (later named The Glebe Centre) the local hospital fund and many other community charities. Ongoing support towards Rideau-Perley Veterans, annual donations towards the District Charities, Community Dinners in recent past and lately, annual collection of Funds and Food for local Food Centre’s remind us all that “Charity” plays a part in our Lodge’s mission.
Masonic Service and Recognition: Ionic lodge has had several distinguished members elected to the office of District Deputy Grand Masters: F. A. Heany, J. H. Carkner, K. Nesbitt, D. Atkinson, and C. Singh. Ken Nesbitt was instrumental in having Ottawa made into two districts and was the first District Deputy Grand Master of Ottawa District 2 in 1970. We have one brother, Charles Ross recipient of the William Mercer Wilson medal, awarded to a brother who never served as Master of a Lodge, but has made a significant contribution to his community and his Lodge. RW Bro. Hassan Mohamdee was elected Grand Register. Most worshipful brother, Doug McLain received his fifty year membership with Ionic lodge in the year he became Grand Master in Quebec, and in 2012, R.W. Bro Charles Singh was appointed to the Board of General Purposes of our Grand Lodge and served as District Deputy Grand Master for 2013-14, with Very Worshipful Gordon Hutchison as his District Secretary.
Ionic has an Illustrious past, and today, an active and engaged membership who enjoy and appreciate the efforts of those who have built a legacy that we can enjoy. We believe that the tenets of Brotherly Love, Relief and the quest for Truth are timeless values that our Fraternity can be justly proud to uphold. We look forward to our next century of service to our Lodge, our Grand Lodge, our Community and Country.
The Five commitments of our Lodge's Vision & Mission