From the Grand Secretary …


Extension of Masonic lockdown:


a reminder of the Grand Master’s letter last week that the current Masonic lockdown will continue until January 01, 2022. With the continuance of the Masonic lockdown there are several important reminders.

Masonic Memorial Services:

Please remember that, regrettably, the holding of Masonic Memorial Services is still not permitted. It is specifically noted that since 1973 outdoor (graveside) Masonic services are NOT permitted in this jurisdiction.

Long Service Pins:

While we are once again processing requests for long service pins we must stress that planning to present a pin to an elderly Mason at greater risk of contracting the virus is not a good idea, especially if a visit to a retirement home or long term care facility is involved. Serious consideration should be given to postponing these presentations or of enlisting the support of family members to make the presentation on behalf of the lodge.


Garry Dowling,

Grand Secretary

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