"The Strategic Initiative which all these Committees strive for is to create opportunities to demonstrate Masonic values within our communities and convey a positive and accurate perception of Freemasonry."
Have you ever seen the parade of officers, guests and visitors at the opening of Grand Lodge? I can tell you that on my travels the foreign Grand Masters rave about the pomp and circumstance of our opening. If you can, get there early on Wednesday to watch the parade. Then stay for the Grand Master’s address.
"The Cornerstone Project is a great tool to energize your Lodge. It touches on elements of virtually every Committee of Grand Lodge. While not being the same as a proper long range strategic plan, it does get you starting to plan out activities for your Lodge for the short term. This should be invaluable for a new Worshipful Master, or in the spirit of planning ahead: for the Wardens!"
October has brought to the Masons of Ontario, shorter daylight hours and the end of a summer of sunshine and warmth which at times seemed it would never end.