The Master's Message

Last month, our Grandmaster M.W. Bro. John Green ; Deputy GM  R.W. Bro. Paul E. Todd, R.W Bro. Robert Clarke (DDGM) & Grand D of C  R.W Bro. Paul Johnson  accompanied V.W. Bro. Braslins and I  to the home of Bro. Thomas Lumby  to present him with his certificate and commemorative pins celebrating 80 years a Mason. The Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan also sent him a Certificate. He shared stories about his life , reflecting on his service to Canada & the Commonwealth during WW 2. A  veteran, having served  in Europe, he was captured  three(3) times as a prisoner of war. On one such peculiar occasion, he was invited for drinks and photographed  in a P.R. effort in Hanover, Germany by enemy soldiers.  After the war, he  served Canadian Foreign Services in Europe, eventually returning to his home in Saskatoon.

We were also privileged to have the Grand Master of Prince Hall Masons, MH. Bro. Hedley Lewis ,his DDGM, RW Bro. Randy Borde , R.W. Bro. Jeff Gatcke, DDGM Frontenac District; RW. Bros. Forster and Jenkyns all  joining us as we  hosted our DDGM , R.W. Bro. Clarke on his official visit…… surely an historic occasion for Ionic Lodge and  Westboro Temple. I know Bro. Valentine was pleasantly surprised to have the Grand Historian among us as he quoted his work  in his presentation about Masons serving in the great wars.

By now, the Scottish Rite Degree team would have been with us to raise Bro. Derrick Zimmerman, with both his Uncles Alec and Bob from Harcourt Lodge (TDV) joining us on such a special occasion.

What a wonderful  Fraternity, where Masons can gather to toast, honour, pay tribute,  remember and support one another. This was  also demonstrated  by our visit to Ashlar Lodge to welcome a new Brother to the Craft, (and  winning the Travelling Trowel); by hosting many visiting brethren to a fine feast, a slide-show of our Lodge’s events and  by conduct our Annual Memorial Service. We  exemplified the FC Degree for a well-prepared Bro. Richard Quintal, and by resolution,  formally welcomed Bro. Christopher Braeuel to Ionic.   Thank you all for donations to DeMolay Youth and Rideau Perley Veterans, as well as supporting the District Charity.  Well done everyone !

Please join us at Ashlar Lodge on Dec. 2nd for a combined effort in raising Bro. Chris Kolberg, and mark Wednesday Dec 14th on your calendars for our Annual Holiday celebrations. Bro. JW and his team are preparing a Turkey dinner; we’ll have some Trivia, stage a “debate” that is sure to make you smile, recognize our widows and widowers during the Christmas season, and collect funds and non-perishable items for our local Food Bank. How proud it is to be part of our gentle Craft, and what a privilege to serve Ionic Lodge. Happy holidays to you, your family and those around you my Brothers.