Master's Message - September 2016
Welcome back Brethren! Let’s begin by celebrating a well-deserved honour bestowed on one of our own;
V.W. Bro Mark Pogue, Grand Steward. As M.W.Bro. Don Mumby remarked in June, “our brother is an integral part of our Lodge’s revival”. And,congratulations to all GL Officers elected and appointed - please acknowledge their commitment when they visit us or on your travels.
This past summer I hiked the ancient pilgrimage route of The Camino de Santiago, some 450 kms across Northern Spain. Those 21 days provided countless metaphors comparable to our Masonic journey. Well- marked trails with signs, yellow arrows and the insignia of St. James offered guidance along The Way. Occasionally, they can be missed, even in plain sight. Alone or together, we sojourned over well-trodden and ancient routes, appreciating the guidance of TGAOTU, the locals en-route, and our fellow Pellegrinos. We relied on them all and each other to clarify our path, to search for shelter and sustenance, and to offer assistance and companionship. At the end of 20, 30 or 40 kms each day, usually over a cold beverage, we shared stories, compared blisters, and sought the wisdom of the veterans. On the coastal route, an exit off the trail down to enjoy the beach meant a climb back up a few hundred metres to resume your labours; in the villages, a pause to indulge in local cuisine could cost you affordable lodging if you were late getting to the public Refugios, and too much chit-chat along the way could cause you to miss a marker and lose your way. For many, time on the trails was spent in contemplation: of our private and public avocations, of our relationships, of gratitude and the blessings we enjoy every day; even occasionally questioning why on earth we undertook such a journey when the going got tough.
But as we progressed, daily exhaustion and apprehension gave way to a different sort of quest. Hidden gems taken for granted became new treasures when seen through a different lens; babbling brooks and the sounds of crashing waves soothed the soul, farm animals grazing in wide-open vistas and the flora and fauna of a tropical climate calmed the mind, and ancient Churches and century-old homes, even when blended with modern highways and machinery, gave testament to our history and development. The destination was always important, but we could admire and enjoy the beauty all around us in new found ways.
In our Masonic journey, we can enjoy a fresh perspective moralizing on our Lodge’s furnishings; gain new insight from the ancient charges, take advantage of the rich traditions offered up by the timeless beauty and lessons of our rituals, and perhaps more importantly, share and encourage each other outside the tyled recesses of Lodge room. The solid foundation of our Craft and the journey of those before can guide us to a new appreciation of what we have, of who we are, of those around us, and the communities in which we live. Our Installation in May, the June meeting of new officers, our Social with family and friends, even the baseball game in July may seem like a distant memory, but they validate the blend of activities that make-up our fraternity here at Ionic. Let’s continue our age-old tradition of Brotherly love, Relief and Truth together.
Charles Singh W. M.