Master's Message - March 2017
Congratulations to Bro. Richard Quintal on his proficiency and being advanced – a testament to sponsors and mentors working in harmony with one who takes pride in his masonic journey.
Brethren, over the years, much has been said about our role when we sponsor or co-sponsor an applicant. It is important that all Sponsors need to be equipped with some knowledge of our History, the basics of Masonic Philosophy, how we use symbols to teach, and that our “Lodge” is the foundation of our Craft. We must also be aware of the process: assessing suitability, the committee of investigation, balloting and the conferring of Degrees. We have prepared/used “Freemasonry in Ontario” to assist us with some of that.
As we are about to adopt our “Mission and Vision”, expressed by the 5-points “Standards” which has been circulated widely, and as the District undertakes the “Retention Pilot Project”, I hope that we can all appreciate that every Lodge has it’s own culture. Not all Lodges are the same. It is vital that we are all able to communicate what we stand for, and what we are trying to accomplish here at Ionic Lodge #526 in Westboro. If we aim for excellence in our Masonic labours, we must be diligent in it’s practice and be confident in it’s expression.
As Mentors, we need to “ensure that every Candidate accepted into the Craft is properly instructed in the fundamental principles of each Degree…for every new Mason to quickly assimilate into our Fraternity and feel comfortable with his new brethren and surroundings, it is necessary that he is provided guidance, instruction and assistance…to become a knowledgeable, active and participating member in his Lodge, his District and, in due course, his Grand Lodge”. (Mentors Program).
I must acknowledge the contribution of Ionic brethren to the success of the Ottawa Masonic Association (OMA) Winter Assembly, and the 13th Valentine’s Charity Ball. Our efforts contributed to both “sold-out” events, adds to our development as members and leaders, and further demonstrates our commitment to our District, the wider fraternity and our community. Well done everyone !
Ionic will be leading-off 300th Anniversary celebrations within the Ottawa Districts on Thursday March 23rd: a Traditional Festive Board with a Historical presentation downstairs and we welcome R.W. Bro. John Forster (PDDGM) to conduct the Master Mason’s Degree in it’s entirety. We will be joined by DGM, R.W. Bro. Paul Todd, PGM, M.W. Bro. Donald Mumby, Grand Historian R.W. Bro Michael Jenkyns, DDGM, R.W. Bro. Robert Clarke to name a few.
As we prepare for the next Masonic year, please join us in showing your support for the officers and members at our March step-up meeting.
See you in Lodge.
Fraternally, Charles Singh W. M.