From the East ...Sept, 2021


As another autumn slowly comes upon us, I hope you and your families were able to enjoy the beautiful summer that we had, and that will hopefully continue for a few more weeks. It has certainly be challenging, but change is afoot and I’m looking forward to the being able to meet in person at some point in the foreseeable future. While it once seemed like there was no end in sight to the challenges we are all facing, we can now begin to hope that there may be return to some form of normalcy on the horizon.  I truly wish I had a good amount of news to relay and adventurous stores to tell, I like many of you, have simply been hunkered down to an extent and have had little opportunity to create lasting memories – other than those our children and grandchildren will be reading of in history books.  That being said, there is a fair amount to discuss as a Lodge based on communication that has come down from Grand Lodge  as well as the Province and Ottawa Public Health. In that respect, I hope we will have a good turnout for not only our regular meeting on 8  September as well CGP on 5 September. I encourage you all to review the information provided by Brother Secretary as it will form the basis for many of our discussions.

I am looking forward to touching base with all of you over the weeks to come and meeting in Lodge when it is safe to do so. Until that time, we will continue with regular virtual meetings and, hopefully, enjoy some outdoor fellowship as permitted. 


 Jason Solomon,

WM Ionic 526