From The East: February 2019
Greetings from the East, and as I write this message our thoughts are once again influenced by the weather. Bitter cold, strong winds and heavy snow remind us that we live in the greatest country in the world. With all levity aside, please keep in touch with those who may be at risk or need a hand under
these conditions.
At our January regular meeting we raised Brother Mike Khristo to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. Brother Khristo’s preparation and responses are a testament to his hard work and the guidance he has received from his Sponsor. As mentioned a number of times over the past several years, we must remember that being a Sponsor for a Brother is a lifetime commitment to assist him on his Masonic journey.
At our Regular Meeting on February 13, 2019 we will be welcoming A new Brother to our Gentle Craft. A Social begins at 6:00 pm followed by the Festive Board at 6:30 pm. I look forward to a good number of Brethren out to support our Candidate as well as our Ritualists.
On January 21, I had the distinct pleasure to deliver a birthday card to W. Bro. Frank Grant as he celebrated his 102nd birthday. Along with the card signed by many of the Ionic Brethren, I also included a copy of the Ionic Lodge room greeting card. He quickly recognized it and many of the signatures. He asked me to send his sincere thanks to the Brethren for their best wishes.
In support of our Brother to Brother program, we offer assistance at any time to any Brother who may feel uncomfortable attending Lodge because he has
forgotten some of the casual signs, tokens and words of the various degrees. If you or someone you know may be in such circumstances, please feel free to contact myself or any of the Officers or simply show up before our Festive Board and mention that you would like to refresh your memory on some of the finer points of Masonry. The term “Rusty Brother” is sometimes applied but with a
refresher of just a few minutes, the Brother will often recall the necessary information and again feel confident in joining us for friendship and Brotherly
There are several Official Visits left for the remainder of the Masonic year and are found elsewhere in this Summons. I will be attending these and ask that the Officers and Brethren consider joining me in fellowship with our Brothers.
The Committee of General Purposes will meet on Sunday, February 10, 2019 at 7:00 pm. All Ionic Brethren are welcome. The Meeting will be followed by a Practice for the upcoming EA degree to be presented at our Regular Meeting on February 13, 2019.
If any of the Brethren are ill or in need please notify Bro. Secretary or myself.
We look forward to seeing you in Lodge.
Randy Gaw, WM