From the East - April 2020
As I write this, I am saddened by the uncertainty of when we will once again sit together in Lodge. We are living through events that are unprecedented in most of our lifetimes. As we all maintain the required physical distancing, it is impossible not to long for that in person, face-to-face contact that is a hallmark of humanity and of our Fraternity. I am, however, impressed and touched by what I have seen from our membership, and from The Craft in general, in these uncharted waters. I have seen brethren reaching out to help through phone calls and emails. I have seen messages of hope and of love expressed on various Social Media platforms as well as in private messages. The number of people stepping forward is truly an indication of the best that Masonry has to offer, and a very real example of Brotherly Love. Hopefully by now, all of our members have been contacted by one means or another and asked if there is anything they need or if there is anything the Lodge can do to help them in this time – this offer stands.
There have been various messages sent out from various bodies expressing the need to assist where and when needed in this time and live the Masonic tenants we ascribe to. In this vain, I implore you all to find a way to make a difference in the life of someone. A phone call, and email, offering to leave groceries at the door for someone who is unable to shop for themselves – these are all things we can do to make our own corner of the world a better place.
As we go forward with some uncertainty, I can’t tell you when we will once again be called to Labour. What I can tell you, is that as soon as we are able, Ionic Lodge pick right back up with the zeal and enthusiasm for which we are known and which we pride ourselves on.
For now, we have all been asked to stay home, to stay safe, and to stay healthy. This is the best advice right now and we are wise to heed it.
The Lodge held its first CGP through Skype in April. At that meeting we decided to try what we are calling a "Virtual Fellowship Meeting" using Zoom. The link and password will be sent out separately to anyone wishing to join in the meeting. Contact the Lodge Secretary for the link and password. These meeting will be held weekly, every Wednesday, starting this Wednesday, April 8 at 7:00pm. Depending on how these meetings work out we will adjust the frequency as required.
Stay safe and stay healthy Brethren.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Jason Solomon,
WM Ionic Lodge #526