From The East: September 2017


I hope everybody had an enjoyable and safe summer with loved ones. I’m looking forward to the start of a new Masonic year and hope you are as well.

Grand Lodge in July was a memorable experience as Ionic Lodge's Worshipful Master. A lot of praise was expressed for Ottawa District 2 and Ionic Lodge in particular, we were awarded another Cornerstone Designation and commended for the restoration we have had in recent years. Grand Lodge has a close eye on the Pilot Project being conducted by Ottawa 2 regarding Membership Retention and it is my hope that we assist in any way possible.

Congratulations are extended to the members of the District on their election and appointments to Grand Lodge positions. It’s an honourable achievement to be recognized by your Brethren, so please join with me as Grand Lodge regalia presentations are made in September. Dates can be found on the District website.

Thank you to Bros. Devon Valentine and Jason Solomon for organizing the boxes at the Ottawa Champions baseball game for Masons and our families. Hard luck that Ottawa didn’t win in the cross town rivalry with Rockland, but it was an enjoyable evening for the over 20 of us attending.

After a trestle board meeting with the Wardens and Secretary, we are eager to start the year and we have a few ideas that we are going to implement this year and I ask for your support in those endeavours. We will be introducing those throughout the year in an effort to affirm the foundation of Ancient Masonry: Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. We are reviving a few Ionic traditions; the first will be a reintroduction of a Past Masters' Night lead by R. W. Bro. Singh for an Initiation this month.

There’s no other way to say it Brethren, we have a lot of work leading into the new Masonic year and there will be a lot expected of the Officers and I thank them in advance for their commitment to the Lodge and our Candidates. Ionic is assisting The Builders’ Lodge in hosting the Districts’ Lodge of Instruction on October 2nd. All officers should plan to attend in order sharpen their Mechanics around the Lodge for the number of degrees we have planned.

For Brethren who are not Officers, please don't be bashful. I encourage every member, particularly our newer members, to select a passage of ritual you are interested in and would like to deliver - even if it’s a few lines or small paragraph. We are a Lodge together and I want to see as many Brethren participate as possible, it always makes the night more enjoyable and memorable.

I look forward to seeing you in Lodge.


Michael Reiach W. M.