From the Grand Master … November 2018

At this time, each year, with the short hours of daylight, the lower temperatures and the cool rain, I am reminded that November is a month of contrasts. First, we enjoy the beautiful colour of the trees which last for such a short time, contrasted with the sadness of the memories brought to mind by the loss of men & women who, from yesterday till today, stood in the defenses of our freedom whether at home or across the sea. On November 11, at the eleventh hour, Masons from all over Ontario will participate in Remembrance Services, either in their Lodges or in their communities. Your Grand Master will be with you, as I have been asked to attend Sarnia District Service. My reminder to you is that, in your Lodge there are many Veterans young and old. Take the time to thank them and then listen to them as they relate what it was like to be young, to leave home for the first time and to suddenly become man on the day of their first military action. Always remember those who never came home. As one last reminder, check with your Lodge Veterans to see if they need assistance to attend the local Remembrance Day Services.

We will never forget!

The contrast for me, this month, has been the enjoyment of attending a number of Investitures of the new Grand Lodge Officers who were announced at Grand Lodge this year. It is an honour for your Grand Master to recognize outstanding Masons whether they were a hard working District Secretaries or a Mason who was conferred an Honorary Grand Rank. We know these are often inherited from the many traditions in the Craft and the old English guilds for duties which they have done and will continue to do. The privileges will be great, the opportunities will be many, and the rewards will be immense and unimaginable. Brethren, enjoy your year as a Grand Lodge Officer. When I have been given the opportunity to speak, at receptions or meetings, I have often spoken on social media and its many benefits. I have also identified a black cloud which, in my opinion, hangs over social media as it relates to Ontario Freemasonry.

In the past, gossip would slowly travel through the community from mouth to ear. However, in the world of the internet, with social media and the likes of facebook, twitter and others, anything can be written based on little known fact, hearsay or gossip. As Grand Master, I continue to remind you that we have all promised to personally uphold a Brothers good name and to repel others who would slander his good name. This is the first and great lesson of Masonry. I implore you as Man and Mason to always remember and practice this lesson. From time to time your Grand Lodge is asked by the Brethren to make a decision on a variety of subjects. I assure you, all decisions are not taken lightly, nor are they done by one man, in fact, all senior Grand Lodge Officers contribute to the final decision. We often seek advice from the Management Committee and the Past Grand Masters and thereby assuring that the decision rendered is for the good of Freemasonry in Ontario. Beginning in January 2019 in this corner of the Communique and continuing for the next four months I will begin a discussion on the future of our Grand Lodge based on where we were; where we are now and where we may be going. Some might call it a Blueprint for the Structure of Grand Lodge based on the following:

a) Continuity of our Senior Grand Lodge Officers

b) Election & Term Length DDGM

c) Regional election of Board of General Purpose Members

d) Annual Communication where, length, voting


If we are willing to learn and not change then no one can help us!
If we are willing to learn and change then no one can stop us!

- Paul Todd

Grand Master

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