Presented in Ionic Lodge by W. Levere, Feb 14, 2018

Definition of a Masonic sponsor is someone who is promoting or taking on the responsibility of a new member.

  • Who are the Guardians of the West gate? The initial responsibility for the introduction of qualified candidates most definitely rests with the Sponsors.
  • Important that the sponsor and co-sponsor realize that they are equally responsible for the candidate and this is a lifetime commitment.
  • Both the sponsor & the co-sponsor are responsible for preparing the candidate for his degrees, including memory work and all other aspects of lodge meetings.
  • Sponsoring or co-sponsoring a candidate should never be taken lightly or without a great deal of thought as to the suitability and the seriousness of the candidate’s request to join the Lodge.
  • Any brother who is considering sponsoring or co-sponsoring a new member must assume the responsibility of enhancing his own personal Masonic knowledge of our History, Masonic Philosophy and Symbolism, and if considering taking on the role of a sponsor must ask themselves, have they been a Master Mason long enough to be able to answer those inevitable questions that will be put to them. Has their knowledge advanced beyond their initial three degrees? If not, seek out assistance of more qualified brethren.

The lodge Mentor(s) should preferably be a senior member of the lodge.

  • Mentors should possess Active listening skills, Effective questioning skills, Observational skills, and Planning and Organizational skills.
  • The mentor should possess sufficient knowledge and experience to help a new member come to an understanding of the history, philosophy and symbolism of the Craft.
  • Mentors compliment the activities of the sponsor by striving to stimulate and solidify the candidate’s interest in the Craft by explaining various aspects of the craft; offer answers to “why” questions and encouraging research.
  • The mentor should meet with the candidate at least four times, reviewing the degrees as well as discussing the knowledge that we derive from the lectures and symbols that are part of the three degrees.
  • Mentors should enforce the idea that becoming a true master mason will require self-study and extra work on the part of the candidate.
  • It is important to realize that the mentor is not a substitute for the sponsor!

Remember all members of the lodge have a responsibility to our new members and their Masonic advancement. Engaging the new member will result in an active brother who will feel “part” of the Lodge. Practical considerations such as where member lives and works; his hobbies and interests and his availability should be taken into account to maximize time and commitment towards his progress and understanding as a newly made “Brother”.

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