Ionic and the Parkdale Food Center

2 out of 15 households in your neighbourhood have used your food bank

On December 20th 2016, Brother Derrick Zimmerman delivered donations of food and monies to the Parkdale Food Centre on behalf of Ionic Lodge.

The Centre serves Bayswater Avenue to Island Park Drive due East -West, and from Carling Avenue to the Ottawa River due North-South,  approximately 700 people seek emergency assistance each month at the centre, 150 are children. 

The Mission Statement of the Centre is to provide healthy food, nutritional education and a warm and welcoming environment to our neighbours in need.

Warm was indeed the welcome I received and our gifts were so gratefully applied.  I recommend you to go take a tour, truly is a heart warming place.

Brethren, congratulations! Let us keep up the excellent charity work for this wonderful organization.

 If you would like to find out how you can support the Parkdale Food Center you can visit these links:

Parkdale Food Center Website   Parkdale Food Center on Facebook   Parkdale Food Center on Twitter  Parkdale Food Center on Instagram   Donate Now



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