From the District Deputy Grand Master
I’ve never been a big Bob Dylan fan. I like his music, just not when it is performed by him. If only he knew. Times indeed are changing and life as we thought normal will not be the same but a new normal.
We are all well here and in my family. I hope that you and your extended family are doing well. It is very hard not to be able to interact on a personal level with our grand children. We have had to completely drop our plans to visit my daughter and family in Port Elgin for the foreseeable future and we haven’t seen them since November. We do get to see our other two grand children almost every day when one of their parents walk them over during their lunch break. It is a short visit at a distance to say Hi….not the same as a hug. In addition we were informed this week that my 103 year old father-in-law, W. Bro. Frank Grant of Ionic Lodge, was in contact with a care worker who had COVID-19. Now we are waiting for testing and results. Please keep him in your thoughts.
This whole event has put a damper on the year in the Craft and my term as District Deputy Grand Master. The Grand Lodge has just issued an extension to the lockdown in the Craft until July 2, 2020. In reality I am receiving my information just like you through my lodge secretary. I am not receiving advance information. You know what I know. Any idea I have as to what will happen to this years GL Communication or how the GL plan on moving forward would be pure speculation on my part. I feel that this has broken the momentum of the Lodges. When we do get the green light the priority will be getting the Lodges back on track as all Lodges need to elect a new slate of Officers and install them in their respective offices. All of this will be integral to developing plans within each Lodge to get the Lodge up to speed as quickly as possible and re-establish that momentum which has been interrupted.
I am pleased to hear that in Renfrew Lodge J.W. Bro. Chad Gilmour has taken the initiative to organize the brethren to assist our older brethren and the citizens of Renfrew in this time of crisis. He is being assisted by W.M. W. Bro. Kyle Miller, S.W. V.W. Bro. Keith Richard, J.D. Bro. Richard Dean. I.G. Bro. Brian Purdie and our newest Raised M.M. Bro. Pat Goegan. I also note that Pembroke Lodge is initiating another drive on behalf of the Food Bank. While these efforts are very worthy I must reiterate the instructions from Grand Lodge to be safe, careful and stay within the set protocols established by government and health agencies.
The Builders’ Lodge has recently run a Friend to Friend gathering via Zoom. I was not able to take part but I do hope it was successful.
Please be safe and stay in touch with each other.
Sincerely and fraternally,
R.W. Bro. John Hawkins