An update from Grand Lodge

First let me thank you for your diligence in taking measures to “flatten the curve” by cancelling all your Masonic events and observing social distancing.
When I ordered all lodges and lodge events to be cancelled I said we would present administrative concessions later and I will detail some now, knowing full well that the situation will change and others will be needed.
I declare that the Worshipful Master, Secretary and Treasurer of each lodge be authorized to pay the bills and conduct other necessary business of the lodge until the lodge re-opens, subject of course to retroactive approval at the next regular meeting.
I would encourage all lodges to keep in touch with their brethren, both hale and vulnerable by telephone or electronic means. Committee of General Purposes meetings by video- or teleconference are allowed and encouraged.
Official Visits for the remainder of the year will unlikely be able to be completed in time for the Condition of Masonry Team to process the reports. Therefore I ask that any lodge with an Official Visit coming up simply fill in their L forms as best they can. As it is important for the members, and especially the officers of the lodge, to know the state of their lodge, it would be very good to do this in a virtual GP meeting if you can.
Sec. 269 of the Constitution allows a lodge to meet on its regular date without a summons having been sent out nine days in advance, however “no business shall be transacted thereat with respect to which a summons is required to be served by this Constitution or the by-laws of the lodge.” This includes degrees and Installations.
An Installation must occur at the first regular meeting after the elections, therefore, if your elections are postponed, so is your Installation. Be assured that next year I will be lenient when applying Sec. 229(a) on granting past rank.
The DDGM Preparation Team is working on a virtual method of presenting their seminar so that those wishing to prepare for letting their name stand for DDGM this July may qualify themselves.
Starting today, the office staff will work remotely. You may contact the office by e-mail but responses may be delayed. Please be patient.
Thank you for your understanding. We will get through this.
David J. Cameron,
Grand Master